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4 safe ways to clean your ear

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

MakatiMed recommends these tried-and-tested methods of removing ear wax—only if needed

For generations, cotton buds—aka cotton swabs, Q-tips—those small wooden, cardboard, or plastic rods with wads of cotton wrapped tightly on either end, were the go-to cleaner for our ears. Yet by shoving a cotton bud in your ear, you risk doing more harm than good, says Joseph Ray Richard R. Cedeño, MD of the ENT Center (Dr. Ariston G. Bautista Center) of the top hospital in the Philippines, Makati Medical Center (MakatiMed).

“When you use a cotton swab to remove ear wax (or cerumen) from your inner ear, you could push more cerumen in, creating a buildup in your ear canal,” warns Dr. Cedeño. “This results in hearing problems, ringing in the ear, dizziness, and pain. Poking a cotton swab in the external canal could also damage your eardrum, a complication that may need surgery to fix. And cleaning your ear with a cotton swab is one of the leading causes of otitis externa, or an infection in your ear canal.”

Though often considered dirty and gross (hence the need to get them out of our ears), ear wax serves a purpose. “Ear wax is a sign of healthy ears,” adds Dr. Cedeño. “It serves as a filter of sorts, trapping and preventing bacteria, fungus, and tiny objects from entering our inner ears. It also protects the delicate skin of our ear canal and acts as a natural moisturizer.”

So important is ear wax that no less than the American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery Foundation declared that we should just leave ear wax alone, especially if it doesn’t cause any problems. “It helps to know that the ear has a self-cleaning mechanism,” Dr. Cedeño points out. “In time, ear wax naturally migrates from the inside to the outer ears. Even chewing and moving your jaw helps move old ear wax from the ear canal to the outer ears.”

But if you must clean your ears—maybe you feel a buildup or notice your hearing is muffled—there are several ways to do it. MakatiMed recommends these four safe ways:

With a washcloth

“This is only meant for the outer ear,” reminds Dr. Cedeño. “Use a warm and damp washcloth to gently wipe the outer surfaces of your ear.”

With baby oil, mineral oil, or glycerin

Warm the baby oil, mineral oil, or glycerin to your body temperature. Tilt your head to the side and place about 3 drops inside your affected ear with a dropper. Repeat twice a day for 5 days maximum until the wax softens. “When it does, gently guide warm water into the ear, then tip your head to drain your ear of fluid and wax. Clean with a washcloth or paper towel,” says Dr. Cedeño.

With a cotton swab

Yes, it is possible to still clean with the controversial cotton swab. “Just use it to gently clean only the outer soft part of the ear canal and not the bony inner part,” Dr. Cedeño stresses.

With your doctor’s help

Visit an otolaryngologist (that is, a doctor specializing in conditions related to the ear, neck, and throat) if you experience pain in your ear, fever, some hearing loss, or fluid coming out of your ear. “Your doctor has the tools and expertise to safely remove ear wax and check for any underlying problems,” Dr. Cedeño suggests.

For more information, please contact MakatiMed On-Call at +632.88888 999, email, or visit Follow @IamMakatiMed on Facebook and Twitter.
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UNICEF urges intensified catch-up vaccination efforts to eradicate polio

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

On World Polio Day, progress in child immunization in the Philippines remains fragile

The World Health Organization Polio Risk Assessment for 2022-2023 shows that the Philippines is still considered at risk for polio outbreaks, with 24 out of 81 provinces considered high-risk. On World Polio Day, UNICEF Philippines urges the government and immunization partners to continue intensifying catch-up vaccination efforts to prevent the resurgence of this infectious, life-threatening disease, especially in vulnerable communities with limited access to essential health services.

The Department of Health conducted the intensified immunization campaign called Chikiting Ligtas in May but only reached 81 percent instead of the 95 percent target for polio vaccination. Notably, the target for polio immunization was reduced from 11.5 million to over three million due to challenges in vaccine supply. The Philippines has been struggling to meet the ideal 95 percent routine coverage rate for children because of governance challenges, sub-optimal demand, and persistent missed opportunities. These problems were further aggravated by the COVID-19 pandemic.

“The Philippines has made progress against polio thanks to the enormous efforts of health workers and community influencers, backed by strong-willed national and sub-national leaders, donors, and committed supporters and partners. This progress needs to be maintained, and more efforts are needed to increase immunization coverage to avoid future polio outbreaks. We can and must do more to meet our vaccination targets of 95 percent coverage through strengthening routine immunization under the Primary Health Care (PHC) platform and catch-up immunization activities. Committing to increased vaccination coverage is also an investment in stronger, more resilient health systems. Every child deserves the best health and protection from disease,” UNICEF Philippines Deputy Representative Behzad Noubary says.

Globally, UNICEF helps vaccinate over 400 million children against polio every year to eradicate polio worldwide. In collaboration with governments, partners, and approved manufacturers, UNICEF supplies one billion doses of polio vaccines annually, which includes management of the cold chain and logistics to ensure countries receive safe and adequate quantities of the polio vaccine.

UNICEF also builds trust in vaccines, supporting community health workers and mobilizers to visit parents and caregivers, listen to their concerns, and clarify their doubts while engaging with local officials, religious leaders, and influencers.

In the Philippines, UNICEF works with all levels of government, from the national to the barangay level, to strengthen health systems by providing cold chain equipment, strengthening the immunization supply chain, training health workers and social mobilizers, promoting innovation in data and information, increasing demand, and giving dedicated support to local governments.

During the first National Immunization Summit 2023 hosted by the Department of Health, UNICEF Philippines, and World Health Organization Philippines, Health Secretary Teodoro Herbosa renewed the agency’s commitment to “close the immunization gap” by enjoining all sectors of society. In its two-year immunization acceleration plan, the Department of Health committed to achieving the status of fully immunized children to 90 percent by 2025.
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How Zinc Protects the Lungs

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Zinc has always been regarded as an essential nutrient that can help enhance immune function. It’s known to ward off viruses and bacteria that can bring a host of illnesses including common respiratory issues.

In fact, a study published by the United States - National Institutes of Health (US-NIH) said it is probable that Zinc can help the lungs better fight off harmful particles, viruses, bacteria, and other disease-causing organisms by clearing the respiratory system's airways before they could reach the organ's delicate tissues.

"Zinc was shown to have a significant impact on viral infections through modulation of viral particle entry, fusion, replication, viral protein translation and further release for a number of viruses including those involved in respiratory system pathology," the study noted.

With the unpredictable weather patterns due to El Niño that’s further strengthened by climate change, it’s expected that many people are going to catch a cold, cough or flu this season.

To protect one’s lungs and improve immunity, people can rely on Solmux Advance Carbocisteine + Zinc from Unilab Inc., the country’s leading and most-trusted pharmaceutical company. It’s the first cough medicine in the Philippines, and likely in the world, to be fortified with Zinc.

An observational study done by an independent investigator showed that the combination of 500 mg Carbocisteine and 5 mg Zinc present in Solmux Advance Capsule has been proven to have reduced the symptoms of cough in 3 days and resolution in just 5.52 days.

Carbocisteine causes phlegm to be less thick and sticky and thus easier to cough up and expel, while Zinc has been found to play an important role in highly proliferating cells of the human body, like the immune system.

A line of over-the-counter cough medicines under the Unilab Consumer Health Group, Solmux Advance now offers Solmux Advance Suspension, which doubles the amount of Zinc after several studies demonstrated the benefits of zinc supplementation in respiratory infection and its symptoms.

Some studies showed that Zinc supplementation resulted in: 45% reduction in the incidence of acute lower respiratory tract infection; elderly patients with normal zinc concentrations from supplementation of Zinc (7mg) and essential vitamins had a shorter duration (less 1.5 days) of lower respiratory infection and antibiotic use; and cough duration reduced in subjects receiving zinc pooled estimate was 46% shorter duration.

The new Solmux Advance Suspension contains 27.44 mg of Zinc Sulfate Monohydrate for every 60-ml bottle. This means that every 10-ml dose of Solmux Advance Suspension has a potent combination of about 500 mg of Carbocisteine and 10 mg of Zinc.
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Keep your smile bright and healthy by brushing up on good oral habits

Thursday, August 10, 2023

Glister, Amway’s oral care brand, shares dentist-recommended ways to strengthen overall health

From expressing ourselves to enjoying every delicious meal, we’ve got our mouth and teeth to thank but often take for granted. With how much wear and tear our teeth suffer, it isn’t surprising that they’re constantly exposed to factors that can help cause cavities, gum issues and even tooth loss.

Glister™, the popular dental care brand of entrepreneur-led health and wellness company Amway, makes a case for giving our teeth more attention, especially now that the Department of Health has revealed that at least 73 million Filipinos suffer from tooth decay.

General Dentistry & Orthodontics Dr. Anna May Carina, in fact, points out that certain foods and drinks that we usually enjoy today like soda, ice cream, cakes, and other sweet cravings take a toll on our oral health.

“When we consume too much of these foods and drinks, we’re not really helping our saliva do its job of clearing food debris away and neutralizing acids. They stick to your teeth for a longer time that only creates an oral environment where bacteria can thrive, increasing your risk of developing plaque, which can eventually strip your tooth’s protective enamel,” states Dr. Carina. “While we cannot completely remove all these foods and drinks from our lives, we can counter their impact on our dental health by diligently observing good oral hygiene.”

The dental care expert points out that the solutions are something people already know about but tend to take for granted. She underlines that brushing our teeth twice a day is the standard as this will help destroy or remove harmful bacteria inside the mouth and prevent tartar buildup before it hardens into position.

“This is something we all know, yet many brush their teeth without intention. If you really want to keep your teeth strong, brush them for at least two minutes each time and gently move the brush back and forth in short strokes. Make sure to brush the outer, inner, and chewing surfaces of the teeth,” reminds Dr. Carina.

She also recommends using a soft-bristled brush that should be replaced after three or four months or when bristles are visibly worn out. Another thing to consider: toothpaste with just the right amount of fluoride. “Fluoride can give the teeth extra protection against decay. It doesn’t only prevent cavities; it can even reverse mild tooth damage. To get the full benefits of fluoride in your toothpaste, avoid rinsing your mouth immediately after brushing. Just spit out any excess toothpaste,” suggests Dr. Carina.

The expert then highlights another step that should be in everyone’s daily routine, flossing, which can remove the plaque below the gumline, reduce the risk of cavities, and prevent gingivitis.

“Flossing daily is something that a lot of people often overlook. It has a specific goal that brushing alone won’t achieve. It’s meant to remove the accumulation of plaque between the teeth and underneath the gums, where germs thrive,” emphasizes Dr. Carina. “If you bleed whenever you floss, this may be a sign of gingivitis, but keep at it. If your gingivitis is mild, flossing can help manage and reduce this over time.”

To help rinse food debris after flossing, the dentist recommends using a mouthwash. “Some think using mouthwash is unnecessary, but it does help reduce the number of harmful bacteria inside the mouth, which is essential in reducing plaque and even gum inflammation and infections. You can also use it at another time of the day, perhaps in the middle of the day to quickly freshen your breath,” notes Dr. Carina.

To support all the dentist-recommended ways of keeping our smiles healthy and bright, Glister advocates an effective Total Oral Care System that’s designed to clean teeth, freshen breath, and keep gums healthy with its plant-based dental solutions infused with traceable Nutrilite™-grown peppermint: Glister Multi-Action Toothpaste for gently and effectively removing plaque and preventing cavities, Glister Multi-Action Dental Floss that’s especially designed to remove plaque in between teeth while also gently stimulating the gums, and Glister Multi-Action Concentrated Oral Rinse that can help kill gingivitis and bad breath-causing bacteria.

The brand also offers other solutions that support this system like the Glister Multi-Action Toothbrush that’s engineered to clean hard-to-reach areas and the Glister Mint Refresher Spray for long-lasting fresh breath while on the go.

Apart from maintaining appearance, good oral health can also be linked to overall health, as it is the gateway to a healthy body. Smile confidently and start boosting your daily oral hygiene with scientifically designed and clinically-supported Glister.

Learn more about the new Glister, its 3-step oral care solution and multi-action toothpaste at Amway Philippines on YouTube. Get more updates on Glister and other Amway news through @OfficalAmwayPH on Facebook, and the Amway website at

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Don’t Let the Flu Stop You from Life’s Adventures

Monday, July 31, 2023

Whether it’s catching up with loved ones, going on new adventures, or witnessing important milestones – don’t let the flu stop you from being present for the things that matter most. Enjoy an #Unstoppable2023 by safeguarding your health from the flu and other infectious diseases.


What is the flu? How can it stop me from life's adventures?


     Influenza can be a critical illness that can lead to complications, hospitalizations, and even death in high-risk people.1,2

Seasonal influenza occurs globally and is estimated to infect (symptomatically or asymptomatically) 1 in 5 unvaccinated children and 1 in 10 unvaccinated adults.2 In addition, up to 5 million people fall severely ill because of the flu, and every year, up to 650,000 people are at risk of dying globally because of influenza-associated respiratory diseases.2


Why should I get an annual flu shot? 


     A flu vaccine helps your immune system provide optimal protection against the flu, enabling you to live your life to the fullest. For vaccinated children as young as six months and older adults, a flu shot can be lifesaving.3,4

   Flu vaccine protection declines over time due to the constant changing of the flu virus strain. Due to this, vaccines are annually reviewed and produced to ensure optimal protection against the current flu virus.3


When is the best time to get vaccinated against the flu?

·  In the Philippines, influenza viruses circulate year-round with multiple annual peaks. Increased activity is seen from June to November.7 The best time to get your flu shot is before the flu season starts.6 However, it’s better if you get vaccinated as soon as the new flu vaccines come out.


Make this your year and be #Unstoppable!

To know more about the benefits of the flu vaccine and to get your flu shot, talk to your healthcare provider today.


1.       WHO Fact Sheet – influenza (seasonal). Available at: Last accessed December 2022.

2.       Vaccines against influenza – WHO position paper-May 2022. WHO Weekly

Epidemiological Report, No 19, 2022, 97, 185-208. Available at

3.       Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Key Facts About Seasonal Flu Vaccine. Last accessed December 2022

4.       Arriola, C.; Clinicial Infectious Diseases; 2017;65; 1-26. Available at

5.       Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. About flu. Available at: Last accessed December 2022.

6.       World Health Organization. WHO SAGE Seasonal Influenza Vaccination Recommendations during the COVID-19 Pandemic Interim guidance – 20 September 2020. Available at

7.       Lucero, M.G., Inobaya, M.T., Nillos, L.T. et al. National Influenza Surveillance in the Philippines from 2006 to 2012: seasonality and circulating strains. BMC Infect Dis 16, 762 (2016).

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Dengue Health Reminders

Thursday, July 6, 2023

The dengue virus, also known as DENV, is a viral infection transmitted to humans through the bite of infected mosquitoes. Due to the frequent rainy seasons, the virus is commonly present in tropical and subtropical countries[1] like ours. To protect our communities from dengue, Watsons wants to raise the alarm on the severity of this infection and educate the public on the preventive measures against it.

The Philippines has an average of 185,008 cases of dengue over a five year period of 2012-2016, and an average death count of 732.[2] As of April 29, a total of 39,947 dengue cases were recorded in 2023. Compared to the same period in 2022, this number is 43% higher.[3] Children between ages 5 and 9 years old made up almost half of the fatalities in the 2019 Philippine dengue virus outbreak.[4]

Although there is no cure for dengue, the disease can be managed early[5] and there are many ways to prevent getting infected by it. Watsons recommends using products that will keep you and your family safe from mosquito bites. Since the virus originates from the bite of a dengue-carrying mosquito, it is also advisable to take preventive measures to keep mosquitoes away from your home. To keep you protected against dengue, here are some easy tips from Watsons that you can follow:

Remove standing water around your house where mosquitoes could lay eggs.[6] Cover and change the water in any storage containers. Make sure to repair any cracks or gaps in pipes or septic tanks.

Use an insect spray made to kill mosquitoes in areas where they rest. Mosquitoes rest in dark, humid areas like under patio furniture, carports, or garages.[7]

Prevent mosquitoes from entering your home by installing or repairing window and door screens. Do not leave doors propped open.[8]

The first line of defense against the dengue virus is boosting our immune system. Multivitamins such as Watsons Vitamin C + Zinc can help strengthen our body’s defense and heal wounds faster by protecting and keeping your cells healthy, and also maintaining healthy skin, blood vessels, and bones and cartilage.[9] Zinc also helps grow cells, build proteins, and heal damaged tissues.[10]

To also protect yourself from other potential disease-carrying insects, insect repellent lotions and patches provide a safe and skin-friendly repellant that you can have on your person. These work great for traveling or when you’re outside frequently.

Putting small drops of citronella essential oil around your home is a stylish and a more organic way to keep your home safe from disease-carrying insects. It’s also safe to apply on your skin!

After being exposed to harsh weather changes or when we work ourselves beyond what our body can handle, getting sick can’t be avoided. If you start getting headaches or body pains, or you’re starting to feel a fever setting in, Watsons Paracetamol is your friend.

The rainy season brings various illnesses so make sure you stock up on Watsons Ambroxol and some lozenges as well to combat colds and coughs. Ambroxol clears congestion in respiratory diseases because it thins down and breaks up phlegm.[11] Meanwhile, lozenges relieve sore throat, throat irritation, and also help with cough relief.[12]

Watsons offers more medicines, vitamins, and supplements that can help build immunity and maintain your health. You just need to listen to what your body needs and take a trip to your nearest Watsons branch. They have a wide selection of options and prices that suit your preferences. In the Watsons app, more discounts and exclusive offers are waiting for you! Download it on iOS and Android and have your items delivered to you, or you can pick them up from your desired branch. Don’t let the rainy season slow you down. With Watsons as your health partner, it’s easy to stay safe and protected from any illnesses, even if it’s as serious as dengue.

[1] Dengue and severe dengue. World Health Organization. Accessed June 8, 2023.

[2] Dengue. Republic of the Philippines Department of Health. Accessed June 8, 2023.

[4] Why are children highly vulnerable to dengue infection? Accessed June 8, 2023.

[5] Dengue. Republic of the Philippines Department of Health. Accessed June 8, 2023.

[6] Controlling Mosquitoes at Home. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Accessed June 8, 2023.

[7] Controlling Mosquitoes at Home. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Accessed June 8, 2023.

[8] Controlling Mosquitoes at Home. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Accessed June 8, 2023.

[9] Vitamin C. National Health Service UK. Accessed on June 8, 2023

[10] Zinc. Harvard T.H. Chan. Accessed on June 8, 2023.

[11] Ambroxol Hydrochloride. Accessed on June 8, 2023.

[12] Throat Lozenges 32.5 Mg - Uses, Side Effects, and More. WebMD. Accessed on June 8, 2023.
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Moms Celebrate Baby's First Milestones with Aveeno Baby

Thursday, June 15, 2023

Every mom knows the magic of the moment when you finally meet your baby, when you hold that baby in your arms and realize that your world has changed forever. As your maternal instinct kicks in, you do everything to keep them safe and happy. From their first giggles to their first playdate in the park, and that unforgettable trip to the beach, you eagerly anticipate and celebrate each precious milestone.

But those first moments also come with worry, hoping you can protect them from anything that can harm them, especially with their delicate sensitive skin. Many parents are held back by these worries, avoiding certain activities or being hesitant to let their baby try new things, fearing that it will lead to dryness and itchiness.

Introducing Aveeno Baby–your trusted partner, always by your side as you navigate this incredible journey of motherhood. Their products are formulated to strike the perfect balance between science and nature, carefully crafted using safe ingredients. With Aveeno Baby, you can care for, wash, and comfort your little one daily without worrying.

"With Aveeno Baby, our mission is to empower moms to wholeheartedly embrace their precious moments with their babies. By offering products that deliver rapid relief from the very first use, we are confident that moms can treasure their baby's milestones without any concerns or worries about their baby's sensitive skin,” says Cammie Jimenez, brand manager of Aveeno Baby Philippines.

Watch your little one grow and thrive, while you embrace each first moment with complete confidence. With Aveeno Baby by your side, you can rest assured that your baby will be tenderly nurtured and cared for, allowing you to focus on what truly matters.

Gentle care for delicate skin

Experience and cherish every milestone with your little one, with the help of Aveeno Baby. Their gentle yet effective Aveeno Baby Daily Moisture Wash & Shampoo contains Natural Colloidal Oatmeal known for its soothing and nourishing properties, giving your baby's skin the extra care it needs. Specifically for babies with sensitive skin, it gently cleanses without drying out their skin, leaving a light, fresh fragrance.

After bathing, make sure to lock in the moisture by applying Aveeno Baby Soothing Relief Moisture Cream. Its formula contains Natural Colloidal Oatmeal and Portulaca Extract, which locks in moisture and provides rapid soothing relief for baby’s sensitive skin from first use. Enable your baby to have soft, smooth, and healthy skin using Aveeno Baby–a highly recommended brand by dermatologists and pediatricians.

Enjoy baby’s firsts with complete confidence, knowing that Aveeno Baby can provide immediate relief and comforting protection for your baby’s sensitive skin. Aveeno Baby products are available at all major online and in-store retailers, and on our official stores via Shopee and Lazada pages.

For more information on Aveeno Baby, visit Aveeno’s website at and follow Aveeno on their social media pages @AveenoPH.
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MILO® energizes kids with new and exciting Sports Clinics nationwide

Wednesday, May 31, 2023

MILO®, the country’s leading chocolate malt milk beverage, recently launched its Sports Clinic Program on May 7 in Ayala Malls nationwide. The launch event took place in six different Ayala Malls nationwide and opened the event to every parent and kid who wants to know more about which sport they might be interested in doing this summer.

Designed to empower and nurture young athletes, these programs aim to inspire the next generation of sports champions through expert coaching and top-notch facilities. During the launch event, moms identified the benefits and reasons they want to enroll their kids in the MILO® Sports Clinic Program. Topping the list is the values they learn in sports such as discipline, camaraderie, and sportsmanship. They also shared that they involve their kids in sports for increased physical activity and to help their mental strength.

Pat Fernandez, a mom who attended the launch event, shared that her kids have tried chess, swimming, and football before. When asked about her kids’ experience during the launch event, she said: “It’s inspiring for kids to see the pros & medalists in action. After the event, the kids started watching more sports-related stuff on Netflix to copy more moves before their actual trial class.”

With a rich heritage of supporting youth sports development, MILO® has been a trusted ally for parents and children alike. The Sports Clinic Programs represent a significant milestone in the brand's commitment to fostering a love for sports, healthy competition, and overall well-being among children across the globe.

The MILO® Sports Clinic Programs offer extensive activities catering to various sports disciplines, including football, basketball, athletics, swimming, and many more. By partnering with renowned sports academies and experienced coaches, MILO® ensures participants receive the highest quality training and guidance. The programs cater to different age groups and skill levels, providing a tailored approach to enhance each athlete's abilities.

Key features of the MILO® Sports Clinic Programs include:

Expert coaching

The programs are led by a team of highly skilled and certified coaches with extensive experience in their respective fields. They use progressive training methodologies to develop fundamental skills, tactical knowledge, and athleticism.

Holistic approach

Understanding that sports excellence goes beyond physical training, MILO®’s programs emphasize the importance of nutrition, mental well-being, and character development. Participants will learn valuable life skills such as teamwork, resilience, and discipline, helping them excel on and off the field.

Fun and inclusive environment

MILO® fosters a positive and supportive atmosphere, encouraging participants to enjoy the journey of sports while building lasting friendships. The programs promote inclusivity, welcoming athletes of all backgrounds and abilities to join and thrive.

Commenting on the Sports Clinic Programs, MILO® Sports Head Carlo Sampan stated, "We are excited to introduce these comprehensive and dynamic programs to young athletes worldwide. We aim to provide them with the tools and guidance to unlock their full potential and develop a lifelong passion for sports. We believe that sports instill valuable life skills and contribute to building a healthier and more active future generation."

Registration for the MILO® Sports Clinic Programs is now open. Parents and guardians are encouraged to visit the official MILO® Sports Clinic website through this link: wherein they can find the contact details of MILO®’s different Sports Clinic partners for inquiries, schedule, and registration details. To learn more about MILO® Sports Clinic, follow MILO® on Facebook.
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Worry-free Pain Relief with Alaxan

Monday, May 29, 2023

How a low-dose combination of Ibuprofen-Paracetamol may be the answer, according to scientific research

When it comes to pain, Filipinos are well-known for being “matiisin”, enduring the toughness of our daily grind so we can better provide for our loved ones. We often try to ignore the aches and pains because we fear medicines will harm our body. But there’s no need to tolerate body pain, as effective yet safe medicines are available as found by researchers. The question is: which formulation provides quick, worry-free pain relief?

Ibuprofen + Paracetamol: The most effective way to combat body pain

The combination of Ibuprofen and Paracetamol is the most effective over-the-counter (OTC) pain medicine among OTC pain medicines studied according to a 2015 scientific review[1] by the world-renowned independent research institution, Cochrane. Cochrane evaluates health interventions, best known for their systematic reviews, which select only high-grade clinical research in assessing the effectiveness and safety of medicines.

Among the different formulations studied, including ibuprofen, naproxen, paracetamol, and aspirin, the combination Ibuprofen+Paracetamol had the highest success rate in pain relief. This combination works because while paracetamol and ibuprofen are painkillers, they also have different mechanisms of action. As a combination, it has both analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, indicating that it can reduce pain and swelling which also causes pain.

Ibuprofen+Paracetamol can work together to fight body pain effectively. According to Unilab Medical Director Dr. Jonas Policarpio, “On one side, ibuprofen inhibits the release of prostaglandins; while on the other side, paracetamols reset the pain threshold in the brain, harnessing synergies to be able to provide better potency even at low doses while maintaining an excellent margin of safety. Their actions then become complementary, and the effect is synergistic. It’s like a one-two punch.”

A low-dose combination for a safe pain relief

The same review of studies has also shown that the combination of Ibuprofen+Paracetamol has fewer adverse effects than a placebo which proves that Ibuprofen+Paracetamol is not likely to cause serious harmful effects on our body when used at the recommended dose.

When assessed individually or as a combination, Paracetamol is generally perceived to be harmless, but Ibuprofen and other NSAIDs are perceived differently. On the contrary, Ibuprofen has been found safe when used as directed.

A scientific paper titled “Ibuprofen Safety at the Golden Anniversary: Are all NSAIDs the Same? A Narrative Review”[2] comprehensively analyzed published research on NSAIDs. It concluded that Ibuprofen is ranked among the safest NSAID pain relievers. NSAIDs are not all the same when it comes to safety profile. “Risk for GI adverse events, (cardiovascular) side effects, renal, and hepatotoxic effects are very low with ibuprofen compared with other NSAIDs”. This means that Ibuprofen was found to have a very low risk of harm to the gastrointestinal tract, heart, kidney, and liver when taken at the recommended OTC dose.

Another finding of this research was that the health risks were more associated with high therapeutic doses. 200mg Ibuprofen is low in comparison to these prescription-grade medicines.

Among the OTC medications in the Philippines that utilize the effective combination of Ibuprofen+Paracetamol is ALAXAN.

It combined a lower level of Ibuprofen & Paracetamol (200mg Ibuprofen and 325mg Paracetamol) to improve its safety profile while harnessing the synergistic effect of the 2 ingredients. It offers relief of mild to moderately severe pain such as muscle pain, arthritis, rheumatism, sprain, strain, tendonitis, backache, stiff neck, tension headache, dysmenorrhea, toothache, pain after tooth extraction, and minor surgical operations.

Trusted by many Filipinos for decades, no serious side effects have been attributable to Ibuprofen+Paracetamol (ALAXAN). That is because of its low-dose combination of Ibuprofen & Paracetamol. This, along with following the right dosage, helps Ibuprofen+Paracetamol (ALAXAN) to deliver worry-free pain relief for Filipinos.

Proper Dosage is a Must

As with any treatment, following the recommended dosage is a must. The proper dose for adults and children 12 years and older is 1 tablet or capsule every 6 hours. Take at most 10 days, unless directed by a doctor.

Consult your doctor too if you have any serious medical condition. Like any medicine, do not take Ibuprofen+Paracetamol if you have allergies.

For more information about Ibuprofen+Paracetamol (ALAXAN), visit their Facebook Page at @AlaxanFastRelief or visit their website: more about Alaxan. If symptoms persist, consult your doctor.

[1] Cochrane (2015). Non-prescription (OTC) oral analgesics for acute pain - an overview of Cochrane reviews (Review).

[2] Varassi et. al (2019). Ibuprofen Safety at the Golden Anniversary: Are all NSAIDs the Same? A Narrative Review.
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MakatiMed launches Outpatient Surgical Suite

Friday, May 19, 2023

Makati Medical Center (MakatiMed) launched its newest facility, the Outpatient Surgical Suite (OSS), inaugurated last month. The OSS is set to handle minor surgeries that do not require general anesthesia and is equipped with three (3) Operating Rooms, offering more affordable procedures.

The introduction of the OSS is aimed at decongesting the hospital’s Emergency Room (ER) and surgical suites. “At the ER, medical teams can focus on caring for critical patients. Our surgery suites can now focus on major surgeries. This OSS will help de-clog both areas and enable us to provide affordable but quality healthcare and procedures for our patients.” said MakatiMed President & CEO, Atty. Pilar Nenuca P. Almira during the facility’s inauguration.

MakatiMed’s Chair of the Department of Surgery, Jaime S.D. Songco, MD expressed, “I am confident that with our collaborative efforts, we can continue to strengthen our health system to be at par with global standards and will translate into better health outcomes for all patients we serve.”

The OSS will play a major role in MakatiMed’s capability to respond to patient needs, making it an essential facility for the hospital. You may contact the OSS at (+632) 8888 8999 local 7020 for inquiries.

For more information, please contact MakatiMed On-Call at +632.88888 999, email, or visit Follow @IamMakatiMed on Facebook and Twitter.
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Have a healthy, happy smile with the new Glister oral care solution

Thursday, May 4, 2023

Amway’s oral care brand got 3 steps better with traceable Nutrilite-certified peppermint

Your smile does say a lot about you. That is because oral health is a key to long-lasting well-being and quality of life, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). It’s a truth often overlooked that the mouth is a portal for overall health. It’s where nutrition and disease enter the body, so it’s important to show it attention. Keeping mouth, teeth and oral microbiome healthy is critical to feeling safe and protected. A healthy and happy smile is also important in building self-confidence as it allows you to interact with others without discomfort and hesitation.

This is why observing proper oral hygiene, such as brushing and flossing daily, is a must to keep our mouths (and smiles) healthy. Good oral care can also help prevent issues like cavities, gum diseases, and bad breath by maintaining the balance of bacteria in our mouths and controlling the harmful ones. Without a solid daily routine, it’s easier for dental problems to contribute to more serious conditions linked to cardiovascular and respiratory health.

Glister, the popular dental care brand of entrepreneur-led health and wellness company Amway, advocates a 3-Step Oral Care System designed to gently clean teeth, freshen breath, and keep gums healthy—all without disrupting the delicate oral microbiome.

The first step to this oral care system is Glister Multi-Action Toothpaste, the top-selling Amway product for the past 25 years. It can gently and effectively prevent cavities, remove plaque, and reduce staining on teeth enamel for a whiter, brighter smile. Like all the other Glister formulas, this toothpaste boasts of plant- and naturally derived ingredients, including natural silica that gently polishes teeth and traceable Nutrilite-grown peppermint—a significant step the brand takes to ensure each product is safe and effective.

It also comes with the Reminact technology which helps redeposit essential minerals back onto the enamel through remineralization, strengthening the teeth and making them more resistant to decay. Glister toothpaste also has just the right amount of fluoride to prevent the demineralization effect of acid formed in the plaque of the teeth, and further protect them against cavities. For everyone’s peace of mind, it’s also formulated with no alcohol, parabens, or animal-derived ingredients.

The oral care brand also offers Glister Multi-Action Toothbrush in soft and medium bristles to complement this step. Each is engineered with an in-mold technology that provides a thinner head, more effective cleaning of hard-to-reach places, and an integrated tongue/cheek cleaner.

The second Glister-approved oral care step is flossing, which is a must to clean every nook and cranny of the teeth that brushing alone may miss. Glister Multi-Action Dental Floss is specially designed for this job, to remove plaque from hard-to-reach areas while also gently stimulating the gums. It has a flat ribbon shape that’s coated with a naturally derived wax that allows it to slide and glide smoothly between teeth and just below the gum line.

To complete the 3-Step Oral Care System, Amway’s dental care brand offers the Glister Multi-Action Concentrated Oral Rinse that can help kill gingivitis and bad breath-causing bacteria (it’s infused with Nutrilite-powered peppermint essential oil). It can also significantly reduce plaque and clean between teeth, compared to just brushing. This oral rinse can also be diluted with its highly concentrated formula for up to 100 uses per bottle. It also has no artificial dye, alcohol, peroxide, sugar, or parabens.

This oral care brand also has something for those always on the go. Long-lasting fresh breath and extra confidence are just a spray away with Glister Mint Refresher Spray. For more convenience, each spray is designed to deliver the right amount of freshness for the entire mouth with just a single pump and has been shown to provide strong antimicrobial action against oral bacteria. It also kills 99.99% of oral bacteria that cause bad breath and tooth decay.

Brush, floss, rinse, and refresh with Glister oral health products to strengthen and protect the delicate gateway to your entire body and support your general health, wellness, and happiness. Indeed, your smile does say a lot about you. Keep it radiant and healthy with Glister.

Find out more about Glister products and the 3-step oral care solution through our Amway entrepreneurs, @OfficalAmwayPH on Facebook, @nutrilite_ph on Instagram, and the Amway website at Glister™ | Amway Philippines | Amway Philippines.

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GSK Unstoppable 2023 Campaign: Don’t Let the Flu Stop You from Life’s Adventures

Whether it’s catching up with loved ones, going on new adventures or witnessing important milestones – don’t let the flu stop you from being present for the things that matter most. Enjoy a #Unstoppable2023 by safeguarding your health from the flu and other infectious diseases.


● Influenza can be a critical illness that can lead to complications, hospitalizations, and even death in high-risk people.1,2

● Seasonal influenza occurs globally and is estimated to infect (symptomatically or asymptomatically in 5 unvaccinated children and 10 unvaccinated adults.2 Also, up to 5 million people fall severely ill because of the flu. Every year, up to 650,000 people risk dying globally because of influenza-associated respiratory diseases.2


● A flu vaccine helps your immune system provide optimal protection against the flu, enabling you to live your life to the fullest. For vaccinated children as young as six months and older adults. A flu shot can be lifesaving.3,4

● Flu vaccine protection declines over time due to the constant changing of the flu virus strain. Due to this, vaccines are annually reviewed and produced to ensure optimal protection against the current flu virus.3


● The best time to get your flu shot is before the flu season starts.6

● In the Philippines, influenza viruses circulate year-round with multiple annual peaks. Increased activity is seen from June to November.7 If you can get vaccinated as early as you can, the better.


To know more about the benefits of flu vaccine and to get your flu shot, talk to your healthcare provider today.

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Makati Medical Center Offers Precision Oncology Cancer Genetics Testing

Makati Medical Center has recently announced a new subspecialty service in cancer genetics. This innovative service aims to identify high-risk individuals through genetic testing and provide personalized care based on their genetic profile.



The new offering at Makati Medical Center is intended for families with diseases affecting multiple generations, those with specific patterns of malignancy involving several family members, those with more than one primary cancer, and those whose family members develop cancer at a young age.

To provide this innovative service, MakatiMed has enlisted experts trained in Oncogenetics. These experts will conduct pre-test and post-test counseling, and they will be a vital part of the program. Additionally, MakatiMed is working to provide comprehensive genomic analysis and predictive cancer testing for all family members who may want to avail of this offering.

Cancer affects millions worldwide, and the introduction of cancer genetics through precision oncology at Makati Medical Center represents a significant step forward in the fight against cancer. It is also a testament to MakatiMed’s commitment to providing the highest quality healthcare to its patients.

Interested patients can schedule a genetic counseling session by appointment every Monday from 9:00 – 11:00 AM. In addition, those who wish to inquire about genetic counseling may contact Ms. Charmaine Gonzales at 88888-999, local 7102.

For more information, please get in touch with MakatiMed On-Call at +632.88888 999, email, or visit Follow @IamMakatiMed on Facebook and Twitter.
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DOH launches multi-sectoral initiative to eradicate tuberculosis

Thursday, April 20, 2023

The Department of Health (DOH) has launched the Philippine Acceleration Action Plan for Tuberculosis (PAAP-TB), a multisectoral initiative to eradicate tuberculosis (TB) in the country by 2035. The DOH together with the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD), Department of Education (DepEd), Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE), and Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG), through the PAAP-TB aims to provide wider access to health services, and improved education and public information, social protection, and labor protection to eradicate TB by 2030.

Tuberculosis is a chronic communicable disease that comes second only to COVID-19 as a leading cause of mortality from a single infectious organism. According to the Global TB Report 2022, the disease accounted for 1.6 million deaths in 2021. In a preliminary report from the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) this year, TB ranks 11th among the causes of death in the Filipino population.

TB elimination entails improving access to TB services and addressing the social, economic, and physical determinants that significantly affect its occurrence, transmission, and even treatment. “In addressing these social determinants of health, we enjoin all our sectoral stakeholders for synergistic solutions to overcrowding, low education, malnutrition, and ultimately poverty. Our collective interventions will make TB services equitable, especially for the poor,” said Officer-in-Charge Secretary Dr. Maria Rosario Singh-Vergeire.

The PAAP-TB aims to address the nation's TB epidemic by re-examining current programs and initiatives of National Coordinating Committee for Tuberculosis (TB-NCC) member organizations. Together, these collaborating sectors will provide an action plan and involve the private sector and organizations to achieve the program's goals over two medium terms.

Also present at the event were representatives from various sectors committed to eradicating TB in the Philippines, Department of Health Assistant Secretary Beverly Ho, DILG Secretary Benjamin Abalos Jr., DSWD Assistant Secretary Janet Armas, DOLE Executive Director for the Occupational Safety and Health Center Ma. Teresita Cucueco, and FDA Director IV Jesusa Joyce Cirunay.

“By engaging multiple disciplines, organizations, sectors, and partners can combine strengths and leverage resources, expertise, and knowledge, while addressing the social, environmental, economic, and political systemic drivers that influence behaviors and prevent the effective delivery of health policies and interventions,” said Officer-In-Charge Singh-Vergeire.

The PAAP-TB document has been developed with technical support from the USAID’s TB Innovations and Health Systems Strengthening Project implemented by FHI 360.
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