Kickstart your Holiday celebrations with MR.DIY, your one-stop shop for Halloween and Christmas needs!

Time flies by so fast! It’s that time of the year again to release your creativity and artistic skills, with the Holidays just around the corner.

Save yourself from worrying because MR.DIY, your one-stop shop for home improvement, got your back as you prepare for your decorations, costumes, accessories, and other essentials for the coming Halloween and Christmas celebrations.

Through the years, MR.DIY has been providing high-quality and affordable products that are perfect for various needs and occasions – making it a go-to brand for easy and fun shopping.

This year is no exception as the retail brand levels up the excitement – filling its stores with do-it-yourself decorations and products that will easily spice up your spooktacular celebrations and Christmas festivities. These varieties of items available in all MR.DIY stores nationwide will make you unleash your artistry, originality, and creative imagination!

Trick or Treat with these Halloween Items!

Putting together a Halloween party? Decorating your house or your office to give it that spooky vibe? MR.DIY treats you with various items and accessories that are just right for your budget – from spooky costumes, pumpkin baskets, bats, LED lanterns and skulls, and many more!

Planning and preparing don’t have to send shivers down your spine as you go around the MR.DIY store and find what you need. Who knows? You might even go above and beyond this Halloween!

Be merry for Christmas!

It’s been natural for Filipinos to feel the season of Christmas earlier than December, with decors, lights, and carols already being displayed and heard all over the malls, streets and houses.

Joining this trend, MR.DIY makes Christmas shopping and preparation easy and hassle-free thanks to its assortment of items and ornaments ready to give you that holly jolly spirit.

Light up your house or office with colorful Christmas lights, spruce up your space with some decorations, or put up a Christmas tree to set the gift-giving mood. Whether you have a big or small space, MR.DIY is with you to give you some ideas to kickstart your early Christmas preparations.

Staying true to its motto “ALWAYS LOW PRICES,” MR.DIY is excited to welcome early shoppers with affordable and value-for-money items for this Holiday season!

Make MR.DIY part of your Holiday preparations by checking out these Halloween and Christmas items available in their stores nationwide.

To learn more about MR.DIY and its products, visit You may also follow /mrdiyPH on Facebook, and @mrdiy.philippines on Instagram and Tiktok for updates and upcoming promos.