Active Style with Surplus

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

The pandemic has made us more aware of the importance of health and wellness. And part of maintaining a good and healthy lifestyle is committing to exercise and staying active.

Whether you’re into lifting weights, attending yoga or pilates classes, cycling, or running outside, Surplus has everything you need to help keep you fit and fab at the same time.

Calm your mind with yoga and pilates, which are best with snug fit sports bra paired with lightweight and breathable leggings for a good range of motion. You can also bring Surplus yoga mats into your classes.

Boost your energy by lifting weights or cardio training with sweat-wicking tees, athletic jackets, gym shorts, or sweatpants. If you're into cycling – indoor or outdoor - matching cycling outfits bring more style into your routine.

The Surplus active collection and other versatile fashionable pieces are available in Surplus stores located in most SM Supermalls nationwide.

For a more convenient shopping experience, you may check out Surplus at Lazada, SM Malls Online, and ShopSM. Surplus Order to Deliver is also now available; join their Viber community and follow them on Facebook and Instagram @SurplusPH and @Surplus_ph for more details.